Licensing - Be Aware, Be Safe

We want you to keep safe whilst you are enjoying your time in our towns and villages.

The information and links below will help you have a great time, stay healthy and keep safe.

Taxi Ranks in Stafford and Stone

There are four taxi ranks in Stafford town centre.

These are located at:

Riverside, Stafford (next to Costa Coffee/Primark - ST16 3AL)

Waterfront Way (ST16 2HQ)

Stafford Railway Station (ST16 2AA)

Broad Street (ST16 2QB).

In Stone, the Taxi rank is located at Granville Square (ST15 8AE).

For your protection, the area in which the taxi ranks operate has CCTV camera coverage and a direct link to the police if needed.

Taxi / Private Hire Vehicle safety

Unlicensed taxi or private hire vehicles are not only illegal - they could be dangerous. An unlicensed taxi will not have been examined by Stafford Borough Council for safety and roadworthiness. It might not even have a current MOT or insurance.

What to look for

Stafford Borough Council's taxis:

  • are white (unless they are a London-style taxi)
  • have a taxi sign on the roof
  • display a red licence plate on the front and rear of the vehicle beginning with an “H” followed by 3 numbers

Only taxis licensed by Stafford Borough Council can wait at a taxi rank or be flagged down in the street.

Private Hire Vehicles operating in Stafford Borough:

  • are any colour other than white
  • display a green licence plate on the front and rear or the vehicle beginning with an “P” followed by 3 numbers
  • must be booked

If a private hire vehicle stops for you in the street, the driver is breaking the law and as a consequence their insurance might be invalid for the journey.

From September 2020, all licensed vehicles are required to display signage (provided by Licensing) that lets customers know that the vehicle is licensed by Stafford Borough Council.

Hackney Carriages display black and white, oval signage on the side whereas Private Hire vehicles have a green, rectangular sticker/magnet displayed.

Unfortunately, we are not able to make recommendations concerning local taxi operators; we recommend members of the public search online for 'Taxis in Stafford' to find a firm.


Tel: 01785 619745

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