The conservation service advises Development Management on planning applications affecting listed buildings, conservation areas and their professional advisors.
Advice is also given to owners who live in listed buildings or within conservation areas on aspects such as building construction or use of suitable materials.
Applications are assessed alongside the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, historic environment policies within the National Planning Policy Framework and saved Local Plan, and national guidance in the Planning Practice Guidance, and from Historic England and other specialist bodies.
Conservation Areas
Information on conservation areas: areas of 'special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.'
Listed Buildings
Information on listed buildings: buildings, objects or structures that are on the statutory 'list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest'.
Conservation Query Form
The Conservation query form (pdf 106kb) is for general conservation queries relating to listed buildings, conservation areas and the historic environment. The completed form can be emailed to
We will try to respond to your query as soon as possible, but please allow 30 days before chasing up a query.
For urgent Building Conservation enquiries please contact 01785 619337.
Should your query relate to a current planning application or listed building consent application please contact the allocated case officer for that application and do not use this form. For all other general planning queries please email or call 01785 619337.
The guidance note HEAG304 Listed Building Consent ( may also help for listed building queries.
Information on Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas.
Staffordshire County Council's Historic Environment Team is responsible for matters relating to archaeology (Staffordshire County Council), and maintain the County's Historic Environment Record.
Useful information relating to building conservation
National links
- Architectural Heritage Fund, The provide advice, grants, and loans to help communities to find enterprising ways to revitalise old buildings with an emphasis on sustainability
- Building Conservation Directory - an independent website providing details of specialist products and services, and articles by leading experts
- Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport (DDCMS) - Government department responsible for the listing of historic buildings
- Heritage Lottery Fund - The main provider of grants for the conservation and promotion of the historic environment
- Heritage Trust Network supports a wide range of heritage projects through funding, skills development, advice, and guidance
- Historic England - Advisor to the government on the protection and conservation of the built heritage, and to local councils on Scheduled Monuments, Historic Parks and Gardens and Grade I and II* Listed Buildings
- Historic Environment Local Management (HELM) - Part of Historic England, providing guidance on the management of heritage assets, and training for specialists
- Historic Towns and Villages Forum, The - provides support and guidance for those working on the conservation of historic towns and cities
- Institute for Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) - Professional institution for conservation and historic environment specialists
- Listed Property Owners Club - Provides advice for owners of listed buildings, informing them on the responsibilities of the upkeep of their properties
The following organisations provide guidance on the conservation of specific ages or types of building.
- Churches Conservation Trust a national charity working to save historic churches at risk
- Historic Buildings and Places (formerly Ancient Monuments Society)
- Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) - all aspects of repairing historic buildings
- The Georgian Group
- The Twentieth Century Society
- The Victorian Society (includes post-Victorian period up to 1914)
- Vernacular Architecture Group
Local links
- Stafford Historical Society - Group established to protect Stafford's heritage, history and artefacts
- Staffordshire County Council, Environment and Countryside - The Historic Environment Team
- Staffordshire Gardens and Parks Trust - Work to promote, preserve and enhance Staffordshire's historic parks and gardens
- Staffordshire Historic Buildings Trust - tel: 07768 520411
- Staffordshire Past-Track - An online database and archive for historic features within Staffordshire, mainly consisting of photographic records, searchable by map
- Staffordshire Record Office (Staffordshire County Council)
- William Salt Library (Staffordshire County Council)